Monday, April 16, 2007

La Femme Nikita

This film I found to be strange and bizarre. The movie begins with Nikita, a drug-dependent teenager, attempting to rob a pharmacy. The plan goes wrong and her friends get shot by the local police. Nikita fires back by shooting and killing one of the officers. She is pt on trial and convicted of murder. She is sentenced to jail and feeds her addiction to heroin more. In prison she is injected with a drug and seems to die. When she gains consciousness she realizes that she is in the custody of the French intelligence agency. They inform her that the injection they gave her made it look like she had committed suicide and in papers it is written that she is dead and buried. They then proceed to give her the option of working for them or to die. She is to work as an assassin for the government or to be killed.

She decided to do the job. She is sent through training and proves to be an asset to the government. She eliminated foreign dignitaries. She becomes a talented assassin. Throughout the movie you see how skilled she becomes, She is molded by the government into what they need. After using her for what they needed she is allowed to leave training. She falls in love with her boyfriend, Marco, and moves out of the city into suburbia. Marco doesn’t know that Nikita works for the government as an assassin. He tries to get to know her better by asking her questions of her past and family and friends. Marco doesn’t find out the truth about Nikita until the end of the movie. She and Marco are sent to Italy for an operation. Only Nikita knows this. Marco thinks it is a gift for their engagement. Gun fight breaks out when she finds out the man she is to kill is an impostor. She realizes that she doesn’t want to kill and she would rather love.

Towards the end of the movie Marco learns of who Nikita really is and learns of her training and work. I enjoyed this movie. It started off a little strange but become more interested as new conflicts arose.

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